
By | May 14th, 2016|LRO 34|

The etymology of the word "comedy", is known to have two origins: a)"komos+odi"(crowd + song), which means the song of the boisterous crowd. b)"komi+odi"(peasants + song), which means the song of the peasants. The comic, is the funny element, the one which causes laughter. In his work Wit and its relation to the Unconscious/Humor, Freud [...]

Enigma – Encrypyion and the sexual relation

By | May 14th, 2016|LRO 34|

In the 1940s and 50s Lacan was of course fascinated by the new science of cybernetics and information theory, referencing Claude Shannon and Norburt Wiener among others. Turing is not mentioned, but his thinking machines are. Furthermore, Lacan contends that their binary system is also the basis of language and the structure of the unconscious. [...]